My favorite toddler (not the former toddler-in-chief)

I think I'd rather talk a bit about traveling with Holly rather than the shameful behavior of former presidents. One is an actual toddler, the other would put a toddler's tantrums to the test. 

On Thursday, we attempted to go to Storyland with Holly, but she got sick in the car, and it was a quick half-hour nightmare scenario on the side of 302 that ended that idea. We spent the remainder of the day back at home, and she was really none the worse for wear, if a little tired. We (the adults) were a bit traumatized, and the event necessitated cleaning the car and buying a whole new car seat. Turns out, toddlers are prone to motion sickness, especially if they can't see out the window and if they haven't eaten much yet. Who knew? Well, we didn't, and now we know. Lessons learned the hard way, I guess.

Yesterday, with the new and improved, more upright car seat firmly strapped into the middle seat for more visibility, Meg and I took Holly on an adventure to Tilton. We'd been before without any huge incidents, but we were both really wary of the situation. Holly was predictably cranky about being in the car seat, as she truly hates being restrained EVER. But she soon fell asleep, and we had a quiet remainder of the ride. She was pretty well behaved at Old Navy (They have hopscotch laid out on the floor! There's a coloring table!), she was super good at Five Guys (she loves to triple-dip her fries in the ketchup), and then we went to the wholesale shopping club, BJ's. 

Those carts are huge, and very tall. Holly had the catbird seat, which was good for her but poor Meg got thumped a bit from swinging toddler feet. That said, we managed to shop ourselves silly for over an hour, and Holly was pretty tolerant. It's an overwhelming experience even for adults--so much to see, to navigate, to make decisions about. Neither Meg nor I have been in BJ's before, and it's been a whole lotta years since I'd been in any wholesale shopping place. Meg had never been, so this was a recon mission for both of us. We finally checked out and left the store in the middle of a pretty cataclysmic thunderstorm, complete with chain lightning, lots of noise, and a deluge. We quickly stowed our purchases, barricading poor Holly in between large packages of toilet paper and diapers. She was surrounded. 

So there we were, making our way back north in torrential rain, low visibility, and Holly capitalized on the situation: one bag had tipped, and there was a large box of pasta right by her feet. Well-- she commenced to clucking like a chicken, with the arm movements, pooped her pants, and she kicked the box of pasta for miles and miles. It was hysterically funny, really. Ok, smelly, but funny. 

When we got to Franconia Notch, the rain ceased, and the ground was actually dry at home. Go figure. What a trip-- but no puke. No toddler-drama, no Big Moods. Amen. 

The former toddler-in-chief could take a few lessons from Holly, I think. Be able to accept your situation with humor, take a nap, flap your arms and cluck if you must, but go along for the ride. We'll all survive the trip a whole lot better. 

Have a good Saturday,



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