Good things come in small increments--

I fell asleep in my chair for about an hour--the last few innings of the Sox game (they lost), and then hoisted myself up the stairs and to sleep deeply. I must have been felled by an ax. 

We went to Iron Furnace for an impromptu dinner out-- it was nice, just us two--and the beer was crisp and cold, and my buffalo chicken wrap was amazing, and yeah-- I was sort of celebrating a small victory of sorts, as well. I found out yesterday that one of my poems has been nominated for "Best of the 'Net," which is pretty exciting, for me, at least. It's no Pulitzer or Pushcart, but it's an acknowledgement of my work, and it feels pretty good. It is highly unlikely that the poem will even be selected to be part of the anthology, but still-- it's a pat on the back I didn't expect, and I'm happy to receive.

I don't have a huge must-do list for today, which makes me happy. Starting next Wednesday, there will be plenty enough to do, getting geared up to go back to work. It's raining yet again (no surprise, but ugh), so I'm pretty sure I won't be outside again today, unless it should happen to clear up. It may. 

Maybe I'll work on that book review I have been digging into history for, and there is a small pile of laundry to fold. Or maybe I'll just declare it a "me day" and follow my whims, which likely will include coffee and perhaps a little window shopping, some reading, and a little binge-tv. Who knows? 

Enjoy your day, folks.



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