Words are finding a home...

I wonder when the "imposter syndrome" will go away? In the last twelve hours, I've heard from two journals, and both want to publish my work. This is exciting... but my brain immediately wonders if the poems are good enough. I go to the poems, read them over, maybe cringe a little. 

It's not like I don't have writing goals; I do. I have a chapbook that is floating around out there (it hasn't been able to find a home yet, but this is a new project). I have two pages (!!) of a list of poems that have been published. I dream of one day getting nominated for something like Best of the Net or -- big gulp-- a Pushcart Prize. Maybe even getting a full collection together? We shall see.

Sigh. At any rate, one regional journal wants two, the other journal wants a funny little rhyming poem I jotted down (then tweaked, of course) when I was attending one of the Frost Place Studio Sessions. 

If you haven't considered attending one of those one or two day workshops, you should. They are the best pick-me-up for anyone who likes to write. There aren't any scheduled for summer, due to other writing programs at The Frost Place, but there are ideas being tossed around for fall and winter. 

Maybe I'll see you there? Have a good day,



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