Time for a re-set--

Not unusual, but my life has shimmied out of balance again. Too much work-worry, not enough focus on other things like getting poems written and/or submitted, doing things outside in the yard, baking, etc. My personal/mental/emotional cup is empty in a lot of ways. (Though I had a really nice Mothers' Day weekend! My family is awesome.)

Today is Monday, May 15, and I am declaring that all that foolish crap that has been keeping my brain on the frizzle needs to get into its corner and stay there. 

I think we fool ourselves that we can just send the things that trouble us packing; they live in our heads, whether we want them to or not. It takes vigilance to make sure they don't take over spaces that are not meant for them, though. Who knew that mental maintenance was so difficult and so necessary? I tend to borrow trouble, too, which is not helpful-- I have to repeatedly learn that I should only pick up what is mine to carry, and leave the rest for someone else or God to take care of. 

So, today, I'm mending my emotional and mental boundaries: family and faith first, the rest can occupy little corners until I'm ready to deal with them. 

And no, I did not grade papers this weekend. That's setting boundaries, too. I think I'll maintain that balance better-- I do not, after all, work from home.

This, I think, is healthy.

Have a good day,



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