Sludge in the news...

So, about this Guiliani mess.

Such a horrible, disgusting, overtly toxic male.

It just goes to show that certain types of human are often drawn to positions of power and influence, and they just do not care what slug trail they slime our country with.

What puzzles me is the fact that so many people feel a loyalty to scudge like him. It's not a good look, eh?

The woman with whom he was "officially" having an affair with has a local connection to NH, but apparently he was cheating on his mistress with yet another woman, one whom he (surprise) lied to, not only choosing not to pay her wages, but also coercing her into (slimy) sex. All of this, while his divorce was still underway.

Gross. Just...gross. 

WHY DO PEOPLE FOLLOW THIS MAN? Or any others like him? 

Too much for my brain today.



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