May deep freeze-- my poor fruit trees

I am used to mercurial weather in New England, but lately, it seems like Mother Nature is really tossing us into the air and forgetting to catch us. A couple of weeks ago, I had a sunburn. This morning, it's 20 degrees and the blossoming fruit trees are frozen. It's a hard blow: likely, we won't get any fruit, or very little. The bees have been busy pollinating, but the tender blossoms are frozen solid this morning. The cherry trees have just come into bloom, so they probably didn't have time at all. 

Not fair, Mother Nature. 

My lovely potted pansies are pretty sad looking-- I should have brought them inside last night, but I fell asleep in my chair watching the ballgame. I thought they'd be okay, but the temps dipped far lower than predicted. 

Not a great start to the summer, eh? I hope that the raspberry bushes at least were spared. We try to be a little self-sustaining, but it ain't easy. 

Stay warm,



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