Dreams are not all that restful, are they?

Another night, another stress dream in which I am reluctantly in charge of too much. Why my brain decides to indulge in these scenarios, I have no clue. This one involved my mother, my grandmother, my aunt, and my grand-daughter. I won't get into the entire plot, but it was eerily possible: complaining about allergies, moved furniture, and messes to clean up while being asked when people were going to have food to eat. I got half the floor swept up and washed, and moved the jar of lilacs. It's never quite enough, is it?


I'm sure there's some deep, dark mess I need to address. Or not. At least this time, the "in-charge against my will" dream was not a school one. But it really doesn't help when it's family, eh? Especially people who have passed away years ago. 

At least it's Friday, and it's sunny, and it's supposed to warm up (finally). Twenty nine degrees this morning was nine more than yesterday. I yearn for warm, sunny, unstructured days. Soon, soon. I hope. 

The other crazy dream I had involved being at a small country store, where there were piles of fresh donuts for sale. They were too hot to put into a bag yet, but there was my husband, happily eating them right off the display, much to the annoyance of the lady behind the counter. "You have to pay for those, you know!" She shrieked, over and over. 

Yup. My brain needs a vacation.

Have a good day,



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