Better Late Than Never...!

O my goodness, what a gorgeous day! It's been 70s and sunny all weekend. I got so much inside work done yesterday, and today was devoted to outdoor things. So, after church, G and I went outside and got busy. He mowed the front grass (can't really call it a lawn...), then got the new soil and helped me with weeding the raised beds and topping them off with better raised bed soil. I got all the roses pruned, too. Things are so green, the dandelions have taken over (and that's fine, the pollinators need them), the fruit trees are all budding and blooming and it's lovely. 

I pulled out dead things out of my rolling planter box, too-- I'll get new herbs for it in a couple weeks. And I planted some early maturing spinach! What a glorious thing.

I ordered a pizza for a late lunch, and the Sox game is on. Time for a break. I'll cut some rhubarb later for a pie, and G is going fishing. Dinner tonight will be steaks on the grill-- G's brother gave us Omaha steaks for Christmas, and I defrosted some today. We'll have a garden salad and garlic baguettes, and say hooray for spring.

Enjoy the rest of your day-- I'll be back on track tomorrow!



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