Appreciation looks like professional courtesy--

I suppose it's no accident that both Nurses' Appreciation Week and Teachers' Appreciation Week overlap. Oddly-- or not so oddly?-- they are both in proximity to Mothers' Day. Historically, women occupy both of those careers more than men, and clearly, most folks who are feted on Mothers' Day are women, as well. I say most, but there are dads out there doing double duty, and props to them. And there are myriad grandparents and other extended family members raising babies-- well, you get the idea.

So, appreciation weeks often include donuts, weak coffee, some banners, and a whole lot of hoorah. Not that those things are not good-- any appreciation shown to folks who are doing the work that seems to catch a lot of negative static is fine by me. Appreciation comes in a lot of ways: a phone call, a Facebook thank you (I got one of those the other day!), people waving and smiling-- former students (or patients) who remember what you did and how you did it, and they consider you worth talking to. 

Appreciation sometimes comes in financial ways, like bonuses and pay raises, but that's not the usual for the two professions being "appreciated" this week. So how would I like to be appreciated? I guess I set the bar pretty low-- I just want to do the work I do, with minimal interruptions, and at the end of the day, I'd like to feel like it was useful. Too many people have too much to say on social media, and most of it misinformed or rude. I think most teachers (and probably nurses) just want to be allowed the professional courtesy of being allowed to do their jobs without ignorant "armchair quarterbacks" firing off stupid posts. 

A lot to ask? Maybe. But it would be appreciated.

Have a good day,



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