Adulting is...

It's been a long week. I would give a whole lot to just stay home, drink coffee, sort through poems to submit, clothes to bring to consignment, wash curtains, and let my brain free-range where it may. 

But it's Friday of a particularly weird week at school, and today promises (!?) to be a little more normal, and that will be a blessing. 

Still, the pull between the have-to and the want-to is pretty strong, and I will have to sort that out in order to be a functional adult in the roles I must inhabit today. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person who has this difficulty; responsibility pushes its way into the spotlight, over and over again, and what I want to do gets shoved along, time and again. It causes a measure of dissonance, and I don't like it. But... yeah. 

As they say, (whomever "they" are), I'll have to just suck it up. The weekend forecast looks sunnier, and a little warmer, so some of the things I want to do will be possible. Some of the things I could not do over the recent school break will get done, too. I think a little sunshine and pruning of roses is just what I need.

Today, though, it's all about adulting. I'll manage it well enough. But I sure wish I could just follow the pull of desires--maybe that's what retirement looks like? That's a long way off...

Have a good day,



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