A three hour deliberation-- and a warning to us all

It's been a while since I commented on the news. I kinda don't want to, most of the time, because it is messy, awful, and pretty much the seamy underbelly of a bloated dead thing. Yes, there are the few "feel good" stories, but they are wedged in between shootings, war, threats of economic destruction, and climate/weather emergencies. 

That said, I find it necessary to speak for a moment about the jury's 3 hour deliberations in the civil case in New York that involved a woman who, once she found a legal pathway and the fortitude to do so, lodged a complaint of both sexual assault/rape and defamation against TFG. The Former Guy says he never met her, but let's be honest, what woman would stand up there on the international stage and describe the violations she alleged unless it were incredibly important? And two other women testified, making clear there is an established pattern of disgusting behavior. And his own words were played back. Which he then doubled down on, stating that it's always been that way, reaching back through history. (So that is a defense? ugh.)

There's the point. When this level of toxic "privilege" is asserted, victims and their allies must step up, speak out, and loudly. No one, regardless of gender/expression, has the right to violate anyone else's personal space. 


If we don't maintain sovereignty over our own bodies, then we are nothing more than commodities to be traded, used, sold, and discarded. Let's teach our children well, and while we are at it, protect ourselves as well.

Have a good day, and be safe,



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