Politics, Optics, and the House Circus Act

I don't tend to dabble too deeply in the shenanigans going on in the political arena, at least not publicly. It's a fast way to lose friends, or at least irritate a few. That said, I can't help but point out the historic first that occurred yesterday: no Speaker of the House was elected, even after three rounds of votes. At one point, Rep. Boebert (R-Co.) hollered out to McCarthy that "this is bullsh**"-- and yes, while we would all likely agree, for various reasons, there went any pretense at dignity and civility, let alone decorum. Last thing I knew, there were still dress code rules for Congress, most of which apply to women. Women are not supposed to wear sleeveless tops or dresses without a sweater or jacket, and (to be fair) neither men nor women are allowed to wear open footwear or sneakers. So, language that is crude is winked at, but awhellnaw to sandals. What are they playing at? And on our dime.

Many of us chuckled and grimaced a little with the Johnson to Truss to Sunak Prime Minister triple play in England, but here we are with such a group of reactionary extremists (who would have ever thought there would be "never-Keviners") that the members of the House cannot figure out who will be their leader. The topics that have been proposed for discussion are a strange set as well, and the list of "investigate the investigations" that we, the taxpayers of the country will be paying for, is ridiculous and redundant. It makes you wonder, doesn't it, that if the whole point of the House of Representatives is to represent the rest of us in the cheap seats, what in merry hell they are doing? And it's purely embarrassing to be represented by a clown car full of suit-wearing fools. 

It makes you wonder, too, since they got rid of the metal detectors yesterday, whether the next dress code question will be whether it's okay to carry concealed in Chambers. Great optics: less than a week before the anniversary of the Insurrection, and they get rid of a safety measure that is installed in hundreds of schools around the country, not to mention airports. What are they worried about? Or not worried about? This is all political theatre, and it does not bode well for the rest of us.

The world is getting a concussion, shaking their heads 'til their brains rattle, at the Keystone Cops version of governance that is playing out in the House. If this is the "hit the ground running" plan they have, I hold little hope at all for anything better.


Take good care,



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